12 October 2004

My Honey Bee's Ennui

Breathe, breathe, breathe. I’m totally freaked out. I have a big work-related event this weekend – and I’m overwhelmed. I’m trying to keep my freak out right-sized. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Whoa, there it goes again, expanding to fill the size of the space available to it. It’s a greedy bastard. Damned freak out.

Yesterday, enroute to my mountain with Secret Agent Dog, she stopped. We’d walked all of six blocks and she stopped and lay down right there in the middle of the street. She wouldn’t walk on no more. She was done. I’ve known something’s not right. She’s been lagging behind on the mountain, fatigues easily and seemed stricken with a general malaise. Since she needed booster shots anyways, what better time, I thought, to just have her looked at all over – the toe, the weepy eye, the whole kit and caboodle. Yes, yes, a terrible infection around the nail bed and what’s this… Lyme’s disease. The cause of my Honey Bee’s ennui is Lyme’s disease.

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