24 March 2001

Closing Time

So they thought and they reflected and they discussed and those twelve people in a little room in the sky said their peace collectively. For each juror there was a charge to deliberate, twelve for twelve and they came to their agreements, by whatever means, and decided seven one way and five another. And there’s one final step, always just one more step in a set of stairs that seem to lead nowhere near satisfaction. Penalty. A gentile white haired man in a robe will speak his peace. Everything happens so slowly.

And life has this predictable and yet always surprising way of continuing – even when it doesn’t. It’s like closing time at the bar, everyone knows it’s going to happen but they’re surprised and saddened when the bright lights are turned on them. A collective sigh peals the air and people hide their eyes from that revealing moment and squint.

Shield your eyes boys. It’s last call.


storm-shadow said...

I'm in need of seeing how things work as opposed to being told. I've always gone by example so if you'd like to take over my blog to add a sitemeter and links to D-Land, I'll look to see what I've got issues with. Who knows what I'll do with new knowledge. Oh, yeah, laws are laws. No lawyer should state he/she works for God. It's such a muddled mess to bring religion into things to make yourself look better.

titration said...

Wow. Are you really going to take all of your blog posts and bring them over? Woh.