23 February 2006

You're It!

Embarrassing moment number four:

4) I have weak wrists. I went bowling. When I swung back I’m not sure what happened. Those weak wrists gave out. I dropped the ball, it hit the ground, rolled backward and landing on the toe of my bowling companion. Despite those armored bowling shoes they rent you, it broke his toe. (This was many, many years ago. I haven’t broken anyone’s toe in the last decade at least.)

The final and last embarrassing moment:

5) That same actor/comedian that I’d mentioned earlier had a father who was in a drunk driving accident during the tenure of our relationship. His father was drunk and took a left turn on red and hence forward was a quadriplegic. Again, I was a late something-teen and far from eloquent, articulate or even emotionally seasoned. We were going to visit him for the first time since the accident – I think it was literally within days. I was thrown emotionally akimbo because I’d heard him yelling as we approached. There had been a mouse on his head and there was nothing he could do about it. I don’t know why… the thought of that just threw me off balance further. So we enter the room and there is an awkward silence. I perhaps should have deliberated on what it was I would say to him – but I’ve never before rehearsed a casual greeting. When I entered the room the levity of the situation struck me, I was dumbstruck and wide eyed. He looked at me and I searched my databanks for something to say – anything – anything at all. “How are you?” seemed totally inappropriate. I knew I couldn’t say that.. .I opened my mouth and all that came out was, “so, how’s work?” The man had permanently lost use of everything from the neck down just days previously. Jeeesh.

Okay, so I did it. Those were five embarrassing moments and it’s time for tag:

1) Alison, 2) SandyZ (Fightn4life) and 3) Madrigal.

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